

Rafael Dussan, Colombian artist, born in 1957, focuses his work around the concept of the human body, the human condition, the body, sensuality, starting from a clear renaissance influence and particularly in recent years exploring themes related to the history of Latin America and Colombia in particular. He always maintains a great richness and variety of materials and techniques, among others, wood, canvas, paper. 

Rafael Dussan develops his work always in search of knowledge of human nature, associated with the constant experimentation of drawing and painting, starting from a clear renaissance influence. He always maintains a great richness and variety of materials and techniques, among others, wood, canvas, paper, as well as charcoal, pastels and acrylic. The development of Rafael Dussan's work is a search for knowledge of human nature, associated with the constant experimentation of drawing and painting.

He has had multiple exhibitions in Latin America (Bogotá, Cartagena de Indias, Guatemala), in Europe (Brussels, Paris, France, Milan, Bologna) and North America (Miami, New York).

What inspires Rafael?

Small interview about his inspiration and work.

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La Soñadora
Onírico 2
Onírico 1
Durmiente II

Sébastien Chéramy